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Seminar 22/3 11:40-12:00: Why the result of your crossborder payments isn’t always straightforward
Have you ever experienced an unforeseen challenge, delay or hidden cost when trying to transfer funds to both near and far away destinations? Then you’re not alone. In this seminar we will be shedding light on what the most common challenges experienced by NGOs are and what your peers are battling with. At Inpay we commissioned an extensive and anonymous research based on interviews with international NGOs, to understand as much as possible what challenges NGOs face when it comes to crossborder payments and we would love to share the key findings with you.

Above insights and our growing customer base within the NGO segment, provides a good platform for those vital conversations around what the consequence is of ever tightening payment regulations and how we at Inpay believe in compliance as an enabler, not a preventer. We believe in a payment world with equal access to international payments, making the complex simple for our NGO customers and make Fintech work for the greater good of many, while being a sustainable business case for all involved. And we love to both share our insights and learn.

Please join us today and take away some key insights into what your peers experience when sending money around the world and what the root causes are.

About Sarah Louise Teschl
Sarah Louise Teschl holds a masters degree in Political Science from the University of Copenhagen, and have worked within payments for the last +15 years, currently holds the position of Head of NGO Sales at Inpay – one of Denmark’s fastest growing companies.

Combining my two big professional interests – payments and humanitarian aid – makes my position at Inpay extremely meaningful. My role presents challenges and opportunities that both the company and I believe are important to address. Thinking of payments as an interest can come across as slightly boring to some – but I have always believed that effective payments can have transformative impact on the way money flows between businesses, individuals and in this space – NGOs and those most in need of their help. The payments industry has a genuine impact on each and every one of us worldwide – and payments providers like Inpay have a responsibility to make this impact positive. It’s a notion core to our founding story.

At Inpay we have spent years becoming experts in cross border payments, and for us NGOs is a customer segment alongside our other business verticals, where we’re always striving to deliver the best possible service and the most relevant payment network. Our capability to handle individual payments into difficult territories is the outcome of a business that lives and breathe compliance as an enabler, not a preventer.

Inpay is a Danish payment institute with +16 years experience in handling international payments, backed by the Danish FSA. We’re approximately 200 employees working out of Copenhagen as HQ, with larger hubs in London, Dubai and Eastern Europe and have been recognized as the fastest growing company in Denmark in 2022 and the 6th fastest growing Fintech in Europe, 2022